
Thursday, November 5, 2015

Monday, August 10, 2015

Liberal and Labor

Liberal and Labor's media companies are both owned by the same company, STW Group.

The Liberal party uses Barton Deakin and the Labor Party uses Hawker Britton both owned by STW Group. This might explain why the changing of the guard seems so familiar.

On the GMO front, one of STW Groups board-members, Paul Richardson, also sits on the board of WPP Group PLC - the worlds largest public relations and advertising company – which also has Johnson & Johnson as one of it's clients through a subsidiary Burson-Marsteller.
Past/existing clients of Burson-Marsteller include: Procter and Gamble, Du Pont, Coca-Cola, GlaxoSmithKline, Union Carbide, Phillip Morris, Apple, Sun, Facebook, Ford Motor Company, Shell, ExxonMobil and Blackwater.
Burson-Marsteller also handled the PR for Union Carbide's Bhopal disaster and for Babcock & Wilcox, following the Three Mile Island accident in 1979.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

WTF? NW Environment Centre running government program which is partnered by mining companies.

Click here for a link to nwec advertising the Green Army

North West Environment Centre Inc
Ironcliffe Rd
Penguin, 7316

26th July 2015.

Dear North West Environment Centre Inc. Committee,

Sorry to have to write and tell you this and give you some more bad news about another of your bungles but what the hell do you think you are doing?

I note that you are promoting the Green Army - please have a look and see who their supporters are. You will find some are are mining and oil companies, they include - Chevron, Coal and Allied, bhpbilliton, Forestry group, Leighton, Alcoa, ExxonMobil, Rio Tinto and Woodside. In my opinion these do not bring to mind environmentalists. I make no assertions as to their intentions. We also would not have them as supporters or be any way associated with them. Maybe mining and logging is good for the environment?  MAYBE PIGS MIGHT FLY!

What planet do you live on? What is going on here? How did we get an environment centre that runs programs backed by mining companies?
Is this what happens when you take government funding? - you end up having to say what they want to say and promoting what they want promoted?

Shame on you!

You are all permaculturists as you say. Is this what happens when permaculturists run an environment centre? Have another shot at me for exposing the truth. I’m not trying to endear myself to you I just want you to wake up and see what’s going on. Who took this funding? Please give them the very slow clap and then fire them.

Hopefully I save some kid out of school from going into some chemical weed spraying job, save some wilderness, or save someones farm from having a mine under it by doing this.

Don’t apologize to me - I won’t take it. Apologize to the public.

Gavin Edwards.
Ex-permaculturist and ex-greens voter.

The Centre for Community Self-Sufficiency™, Community Self-Sufficiency™, Good Heart Farm™, The Self-Sufficient Farmer™, Self-Sufficient Farming™, Balingup Sustainable Small Farm™ and Sustainable Small Farm™ are common law trademarks of Mama Earth Pty. Ltd. ACN 146 054 828.
© Gavin Edwards 2015. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015



Part 1

Permaculturists working with Monsanto

at Permaculture Convergence in Tasmania

Gavin Edwards
The Centre for Community Self-Sufficiency
Lapoinya, Tasmania.

I am writing this in the interests of the truth. If anyone has any information that contradicts these facts then I am interested in knowing them. My intention is not to put people in a bad light but only to make people aware of what is going on.

How did it come to this?

North-west Tasmania recently had the dubious honour of hosting the 12th  Permaculture Convergence. Opened by the ex greens leader Bob Brown and organised by the North-west Environment Centre and the Reseed Centre

I've said this before but I'll say it again for people that haven't heard. The Australian government is in business partnership with Monsanto through a company called Intergrain. Monsanto has a 26% share. The Western Australian government through its Agriculture department and the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC), a Australian Federal Government body, set up a company called Intergrain and gave it 150 years worth of WA's wheat research and wheat varieties. It then sold shares in Intergrain to Monsanto.

Here's the link to the Pervergence
Here's my grievances:
  1. Permaculturists, namely Good Life Permaculture and the Reseed Centre, are taking funding from the Department of Premier and Cabinet – the Liberal government. They are taking funding from government that is in partnership with Monsanto. Hannah Moloney and Anton Vikstrom from Good Life Permaculture spoke at the revergence about “Making Good Shit happen”. Enough said – for the moment. Hannah Moloney also teaches at Milkwood Permaculture in NSW.
  2. One of the speakers at the conference, retired ag scientist Dr Bruce French (a baptist pastor) is the founder of Food Plants International and Food Plant Solutions with Rotary and Buzz Green, founder of agribusiness firm Servag. Food Plants International and Food Plant Solutions deliver food growing "expertise" to the third world. Unfortunately, on further investigation Servag is a seller for the chemical giants, selling poisons and seeds from Dow, Syngenta, Bayer Crop Science, Nufarm and the like.             Food Plant Solutions have been sponsored by the Monsanto fund. French also taught a PDC at Reseed Centre with Hannah Moloney from Good Life Permaculture, Steve Solomon and others.
  3. Phillip Nicholas, a Greens member, is also on the board of the Reseed Centre. He has also had Bruce French as a guest speaker at Astrotas, a science promoting group. If these people are so intelligent, shouldn't they have done their research and found out who they are working with? Or are they pro-GMO's? This also raises other questions: Are the Greens party pro-GMO? and Why are Greens members taking funding from the Liberal government? If some of these people say they didn't know (as I suspect they will) then I suggest they admit their mistake and support me in fighting against GMO's.

So how did it come to this?

Permaculturists and the Greens working with agribusiness to aid the third world using GM crops and chemicals. GMO's have not been shown to feed the world's starving and agrichemicals have been shown to cause poisoning of both people and the soil. Some might think there is an agenda to control the world's food supply and my own research is showing me that this is the case (only the situation is worse than you could possibly imagine).

We had a lot of people try and shut us down over the GMO issue - the Western Australian Liberal government, the Greens in WA, the permaculturists, the ABC and the Nursery industry. You would think that the issue of GMO's contaminating our food supply would bring people together and that people would try and support us rather than worry about their fragile egos. We no longer practice permaculture or vote green.

I've spent most of my life saving rare seed varieties, studying edible plants and sustainable food production methods (over 45 years). This with self-sufficiency is my profession and it's taken more time than a medical degree to learn it . I've done it all independently of universities and governments for a reason - so they can't control it. Please support me in my research and my mission to stop GMO's.

Ever wondered why the government supports permaculture while trying to shut down self-sufficiency?
Stay tuned for part 2 in which I will explain the reasons why.

Gavin Edwards is The Self-Sufficient Farmer™.
He is an independent researcher of Edible Plants and Small-scale Sustainable Food Production.
Gavin and his wife, Lisa McAndrew, run The Good Heart School of Self-Sufficiency™ , in Lapoinya, Tasmania, where they teach aspiring small farmers how to run a Self-Sufficient Smallholding™ and do Self-Sufficient Farming™.
They were the founders of Australia's first Sustainable Small Farm™.

© Gavin Edwards 2015. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced without prior permission from the author.
The Self-Sufficient Farmer™, Self-Sufficient Farming™, Balingup Sustainable Small Farm™ , Sustainable Small Farm™, Good Heart School of Self-Sufficiency™, Self-Sufficient Smallholding™, Centre for Community Self-Sufficiency™  are common law trademarks of Mama Earth Pty. Ltd. ACN 146 054 828.