
Thursday, February 4, 2016



Part 1

Regenerative Agriculture

Funded by The Rockefellers

Gavin Edwards
The Centre for Community Self-Sufficiency
Lapoinya, Tasmania.

I am writing this in the interests of the truth. If anyone has any information that contradicts these facts then I am interested in knowing them. My intention is not to put people in a bad light but only to make people aware of what is going on.

As I said before

In Permafraud part1, I said
“Some might think there is an agenda to control the world's food supply and my own research is showing me that this is the case (only the situation is worse than you could possibly imagine).” That is a very true statement.

Here’s something that should make any grower into organics shiver. I downloaded a report by Rodale Institute. As most growers know, Rodale were early pioneers in Organics. I had some questions when I saw that they were promoting Regenerative Agriculture. I had seen a lot of the permaculturists promoting it and considering our numerous bad experiences with permaculturists in the past I decided to look into it. Here’s what I found:

A Massive Awakening!
You see it? The Rockefeller Family Fund. THE ROCKEFELLER FAMILY FUND (for those permaculturists that don’t want to see). What’s wrong with that? Well, for those that don’t know the Rockefellers (who owned Standard Oil among other things) were behind the green revolution - the scientific agriculture “revolution” also known as the big spraying of pesticides, herbicides and insecticides (gotta love those ‘cides’ - means killing by the way). They were funders of Harvard University (the birthplace of Agribusiness) and also funded Cornell University who brought Agribusiness to the UK. In fact, they brought it to Dartington Hall at Totnes in Devon. Some might recognize this as the home of Schumacher College and a major centre for Transition Towns and Permaculture, at least now. Before that it was the first farm to adopt scientific agriculture in the UK. John Seymour wrote a plan for Dartington Hall to swap from Big Ag to Self-Sufficiency. We have to ask “and then what?”. Well, I have a theory.

Self-sufficiency is a dangerous idea. If people are self-sufficient they don’t need to buy too much. They could live in the country not in the city. They don’t need to support the big businesses and would consume less. Less things. Less things made from oil. It’s just a theory.

The Rockefellers were also Eugenicists. That science supposedly devoted to the improvement of human beings. That science called Eugenics practiced by the Nazi’s (it was big in the US before the Nazi’s though - as I remember about half of the US population around WW2 were of German descent). There was lot of support for eugenics. The Rockefellers funded Hitler and his Eugenics. The Eugenics practiced by Dr Josef Mengele who cut the eyes from identical twins while they were still alive. The Rockefellers funded Eugenics and Hitler, so did Henry Ford - Hitler had a picture of Ford on his wall. Cars run on oil don’t they? Just coincidence I’m sure. The ‘cides’ are made from oil too aren’t they? People (consumers and producers) pay money for  them. That would make a lot of people very, very rich. Follow the money.

So what would you do if you wanted to control the world’s food supply? Control the food production by scientific agriculture and agribusiness. Control the food, control the people. Then, when the people start to ‘cotton on’ to their plan, takeover organic agriculture. Take over anything starting up that could feed people. Takeover self-sufficiency. Yes, that’s what I’d do - if I were of leftover Nazi mind. Thankfully, I’m not a nazi or a scientist or an agriculturalist. I’m just a farmer. That’s why I’ve rejected agriculture, horticulture, and permaculture. They don’t sit well with my heart.

Now is the time for people to make a choice. Regenerative agriculture and permaculture (which work with, and are controlled by, governments and big business like the Rockefellers) or Self-Sufficiency (which doesn’t).

Wake up, Before it’s too late! Really.

There’s more to come. Much, much more.


John Seymour (1977) Bring Me My Bow.

I've spent most of my life saving rare seed varieties, studying edible plants and sustainable food production methods (over 45 years). This with self-sufficiency is my profession and it's taken more time than a medical degree to learn it . I've done it all independently of universities and governments for a reason - so they can't control it. Please support me in my research and my mission to stop GMO's.

Gavin Edwards is The Self-Sufficient Farmer™.
He is an independent researcher of Edible Plants and Small-scale Sustainable Food Production.
Gavin and his wife, Lisa McAndrew, run The Good Heart School of Self-Sufficiency™ , in Lapoinya, Tasmania, where they teach aspiring small farmers how to run a Self-Sufficient Smallholding™ and do Self-Sufficient Farming™.
They were the founders of Australia's first Sustainable Small Farm™.

© Gavin Edwards 2016. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced without prior permission from the author.

The Self-Sufficient Farmer™, Self-Sufficient Farming™, Balingup Sustainable Small Farm™ , Sustainable Small Farm™, Good Heart School of Self-Sufficiency™, Self-Sufficient Smallholding™, Centre for Community Self-Sufficiency™  are common law trademarks of Mama Earth Pty. Ltd. ACN 146 054 828.

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