
Monday, February 13, 2017

Food security or securing our food?

Monday morning around 9am Lisa saw someone in our yard. They were picking our fruit! The interesting thing about it, though, was when Lisa confronted her and asked her name she said, "Robin".
"Robin who?", Lisa asked.
"Robin Krabbe".

I couldn't believe it. Brazen.
For those who don't know Robin Krabbe is the (past?) president of the North-west Environment Centre (NWEC). NWEC organized the permaculture convergence that had Bruce French presenting. The same Bruce French who was working with Food Plant Solutions who have been funded by Monsanto and which I wrote about in Permafraud

The same NWEC, who had a go at me for pointing out Bruce's funding arrangements in Permafraud and the same NWEC who advertised The Green Army conservation volunteers who's supporters were mining companies such as  Chevron, Coal and Allied, bhpbilliton, Forestry group, Leighton, Alcoa, ExxonMobil, Rio Tinto and Woodside.

Robin Krabbe is also a permaculturist and founder of Live Well Tasmania. She also does research at UTAS, writes on food security and is a past board member of the Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance.

Needless to say we reported it to the Wynyard police. This harrassment of us by permaculturists has to stop. I have no time for people who do not live by their own (supposed) permaculture ethics of care for earth, care for people. Continually, I see no care for either by them. This is another case of exactly that.

So tresspassing and attempted theft is your version of food security Robin? Hardly sustainable.

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