
Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Local Government is not recognized in the Australian Constitution: Demand our Rates Back!

We started Australia’s first Sustainable Small Farm™ and had an enormous amount of problems with government - local, state and federal - and still do. We had to look and see what was behind it all. We practice and teach self-sufficiency. There is a war going on against self-sufficiency and one of the tools of those perpetrating that war is local government.

Local government is not mentioned in the Constitution of Australia. When we buy land as “freehold title” it is bought “in fee simple” which means no more to pay. I do not believe that council rates and fines are legal - and suspect a  high court challenge will reveal this to be the case. The Gillard government put forward a (second) referendum to recognize the legality of local government and the Australian people voted “no” - hence local government is, in fact, not recognized under the constitution.

One of the intentions of the constitution was to place limits on the power of government and in so doing to protect the rights of people. When we as a people realise that local governments do not have the right to charge rates (an illegal, additional form of tax) and we all stop paying rates and demand our rates payments back in full plus interest, justice will be done. Taking rates from people who have already paid for their land freehold seems to me to be theft. If we all stop paying rates change will take place. I will if others will. Contact me if interested.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Permafraud 3

Part 3
Permaculture presenter working with an organization funded by Monsanto

Gavin Edwards
Centre for Community Self-Sufficiency
Lapoinya, Tasmania.

I am writing this in the interests of the truth. If anyone has any information that contradicts these facts then I am interested in knowing them. My intention is not to put people in a bad light but only to make people aware of what is going on.

3rd December 2017


People say believe half of what you see, son,
and none of what you hear...” - Marvin Gaye
(I heard it through the grapevine)

Just to recap, in Permafraud 1, I wrote about permaculture presenter Bruce French working with Food Plant Solutions which had taken funding from Monsanto and about the permaculturists working with him.

This is the proof that FPS have been funded by Monsanto. It has since been removed from the FPS website.

I had two emails from Mr French (highlighting is mine)
The first:

Bruce French
<> Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 11:16 AM
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Dear Gavin and Lisa,

It has come to my attention that you have chosen to malign and criticise me. I am disappointed.

I have never accepted any funding from Monsanto as naturally I stand opposed to almost everything they do and are. Several groups around the world use my materials and I have asked that my name and organisation never be associated with Monsanto because it would compromise my whole approach to food production. So any link or association is one that you have chosen to make by some tenuous association.

Incidentially, I am not "Dr." even though various people like to add that appendage without verification! I am just Bruce!

I have to go to India and Sri Lanka next week but it may be a good idea for us to catch up and have a cup of coffee or something sometime when I get to see if we could be friends instead of antagonists. I find that a more positive way to love life.


Bruce French

To which I replied:
On 27/07/2015, at 12:44 PM, Gavin Edwards wrote:

Dear Bruce,

Thank you for your letter and apologies for the Dr prefix. Where did
that come from? Please accept the honorary doctorate.

I am not trying to malign you but I am criticising you if you have
taken funding from Monsanto. I am very opposed to GMO's having spent
my whole life saving rare seed varieties and growing organically.

You can understand my anger when I found it says on the Food Plant
Solutions site that you have been funded by the Monsanto fund $10 000 or more. That is not a tenuous link if it's on your own site.

If it turns out that you have not taken funding from Monsanto and are
not promoting the chemical companies agenda then I am more than happy to be friends with you. Believe me, if I am wrong I will apologize and try to right wrongs.

All the best,
Gavin Edwards.

Bruce then reponded again:

Bruce French
<> Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 2:54 PM
To: Gavin Edwards <>
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Dear Gavin,

Food Plant Solutions is a Rotary Action Group (RAG) to which I simply provide updated editions of my database for their use. I am not a Rotarian. They independently of me produce publications for distribution for their own Rotary global network. I do not have the time to read nor review these publications and am not involved in the process except for supplying about twice a year, updated copies of my database for their use. When they mentioned applying for Monsanto Funding (along with other groups) I opposed and distanced myself for all of this and specifically asked that my organisation Food Plants International, not in any way be linked with Monsanto. I occasionally write a brief article for the Food Plants Solutions newsletter. A recent one expressed my concern for how we have shifted over the last 50 years from agriculture as a solar energy activity to a petrochemical activity - that is ultimately not sustainable in the long term in a world running out of petroleum based energy. It is also unsound agriculture.

Other groups around the world also use my material. A group in the Sahel in Africa are trying to document suitable plants for arid lands. Many other groups have also been supplied with disks and are using the information. I don't have time to monitor all of their activities, but find encouragement from several of them I feel have their minds and hearts into sound agriculture. Some of these also ask me to write articles and if I can, I do. I never recommend chemical based pest, disease or weed control and try to alert them to the health, environmental and other risks of any approach using these. ECHO global farm in Florida distribute my materials.


My research showed that Mr French sits on the committee of Food Plants Solutions. This is from 24th August 2014.

This is from the Rotary Directory for Tasmania 2015 2016.

and represents them here

and works with them as part of their team here :-

Now one might be a mistake, but all of them???

Please reread the highlighted text above and draw your own conclusions.

...but while we're here on this Rotary News page the other two gentlemen working with Bruce on the FPS team are members of the Royal Society and also work for the government. We'll deal with them in a future article as they're not committing permafraud. They are being funded by Monsanto though.

There is an agenda going on here and the truth is bigger than Ben Hur – stay tuned, more to come....

Since writing Permafraud 1 I've had permaculturists back Mr French over me and attack my character. I find it disgraceful that they won't acknowledge the truth, but not unsurprising given our past experiences with them. It only reconfirms my decision to reject permaculture, finding it both unethical and unsustainable. Let them back someone working with an organization funded by Monsanto but I'll stick to my own research – that done without ties to the GM companies.

Rotary(2015). Directory Rotary Tasmania 2015 2016.pdf

Rotary(2014). Rotary District 9830 Tasmania District Governor's Newsletter December 2014

Marvin Gaye. I heard it through the grapevine.


Gavin Edwards is The Self-Sufficient Farmer™.
He is an independent researcher of Edible Plants and Small-scale Sustainable Food Production. Gavin and his wife, Lisa McAndrew, run The Good Heart School of Self-Sufficiency™ , in Lapoinya, Tasmania, where they teach aspiring small farmers how to run a Self-Sufficient Smallholding™ and do Self-Sufficient Farming™.
They were the founders of Australia's first Sustainable Small Farm™.

PS. I've spent most of my life saving rare seed varieties, studying edible plants and sustainable food production methods. This with self-sufficiency is my profession. I've done it all independently of universities and governments for a reason - so they can't control it. Please support me in my research and my mission to stop GMO's and genetic pollution of our seeds and food.

© Gavin Edwards 2017. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced without prior permission from the author.
The Self-Sufficient Farmer™, Self-Sufficient Farming™, Balingup Sustainable Small Farm™ , Sustainable Small Farm™, Good Heart School of Self-Sufficiency™, Self-Sufficient Smallholding™, Centre for Community Self-Sufficiency™ are common law trademarks of Mama Earth Pty. Ltd. ACN 146 054 828.