We started Australia’s first Sustainable Small Farm™ and had an enormous amount of problems with government - local, state and federal - and still do. We had to look and see what was behind it all. We practice and teach self-sufficiency. There is a war going on against self-sufficiency and one of the tools of those perpetrating that war is local government.
Local government is not mentioned in the Constitution of Australia. When we buy land as “freehold title” it is bought “in fee simple” which means no more to pay. I do not believe that council rates and fines are legal - and suspect a high court challenge will reveal this to be the case. The Gillard government put forward a (second) referendum to recognize the legality of local government and the Australian people voted “no” - hence local government is, in fact, not recognized under the constitution.
One of the intentions of the constitution was to place limits on the power of government and in so doing to protect the rights of people. When we as a people realise that local governments do not have the right to charge rates (an illegal, additional form of tax) and we all stop paying rates and demand our rates payments back in full plus interest, justice will be done. Taking rates from people who have already paid for their land freehold seems to me to be theft. If we all stop paying rates change will take place. I will if others will. Contact me if interested.
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